The Ruby Group’s management and entrepreneur expertise is an invaluable resource to business owners, investors, developers, other property owners, and entrepreneurs seeking to maximize their profits. We provide a wide array of consulting and expert services.
Advising developers and owners on how to best manage their companies so they thrive during all phases of the real estate cycle, from boom to bust to boom again. Many developers and contractors are “reactive,” meaning they adjust staffing, financing and strategic planning when forced to by changes. The Ruby Group helps them become “proactive” by planning ahead and adopting staffing and strategic plans that enable them to continue progressing throughout market cycles.
Providing Seminars, Public Speaking, and Industry Continuing Education. The Ruby Group CEO Pete Berman is a respected speaker and instructor for a number of National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) professional-certification classes. He has spoken to numerous builder and Realtor® trade groups as well as employees and management of individual companies. Presentations can be based on existing curricula or custom-designed for a particular group or company. Popular topics include:​
Learning how to develop and work with a highly talented team. It addresses challenges of effective communication between the business leader and team as well as helping managers work effectively together rather than simply as a group of talented individuals.
​Business Development addresses the business strategy that that greatly influences performance, sales growth, profitability, cash flow, job performance, and service quality.
Strategy Development
Customized solutions set clear objectives for each area of your business, and then we work with you to achieve these goals.
Develop an efficient and executable Business Plan
Reduce inefficiencies, increase your profit margins, and capture additional market share.
Improve your culture and your moral.
Prepare a succession plan for the next generation of your business.
Address specific concerns and develop work arounds for bootstrap start ups.